Monday, January 31, 2011

'Be Strong and Courageous'

Wrapping up the back story: Needless to say, the internship details continued to come together and I was accepted to join the Lighthouse staff in Belo Horizonte, Brazil for three months.

I am currently in Denver en route to Brazil and am getting renewed with a sense of excitement for this trip. Last night I was feeling pretty jittery and anxious, and then today I just felt like I was in a trance and it didn't really sink in that I was going to be on my way to Brazil.

Before I left my house today, I found a pendant from a Hungarian friend that had this verse:

'Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.'
Joshua 1:9

I wanted that to stick with me, so I tied it onto my backpack before heading out. While sitting in the Omaha airport, I was still having this trance-like feeling and I took out a note that Anna had written me for that day which included the same verse that was on the pendant.

I really felt God hitting me with that reminder, challenge, and promise and I began to lose that feeling of cloudiness and begin to gain excitement and a sense of courage for what lies ahead.

I was reminded that God has called me to Brazil, therefore I have no need to fear because I am in His will and the Creator of the universe is with me and preparing the way for me.

Thanks everyone for your prayers today, I have really felt their power!

1 comment:

  1. I noticed that tag on your backpack before you left.
    Something Beth Moore told me (I'm her personal friend, ya know!):
    "Amid a life of passports, visas, and sometimes less than accommodating surroundings for Christians, I am so grateful that all the earth's turf is God's turf. We will never go anywhere that God has abandoned precisely because He will never abandon us".
    Praying for you!
