Saturday, April 16, 2011

Man Up

The next 'Guerreiros' Program will be this afternoon, and God has been speaking to me a lot about this week's theme. I will be discussing Biblical manhood and what it means to be a man. In this age, I feel like there are few men assuming the roles that God has for them. And especially here in the community, the idea of what a man is seems to be very skewed. The world around us teaches many falsehoods of manhood - whether it is to be overly domineering, abusive, obsessed with sports, zealously climbing the business ladder, or complacently surrendering the inborn drive and responsibility to lead.

R.C. Sproul Jr. called out men saying " I'm not sure whether our men in the church wear skirts because we worship a god in a skirt, or whether we worship a skirt-wearing god because the men in the church are so weak." (

In all areas of life, God has called men to step up. Whether in the Church or the family, God has given roles for men to take on. According to the article 'Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood' manhood is described as follows: (

At the heart of mature masculinity is a sense of benevolent responsibility to
lead, provide for, and protect women in ways appropriate to
a man's differing relationships.

To Lead. Protect. Provide.

All of these have spiritual value, for the perfect example of all of them is found in the life of Jesus. For the body of Christ is to submit to him, yet even with his authority and responsibility to lead, Jesus led by humility. Seeking the best interest of the Church, he protected her from death through His sacrifice, and provided all that she needs, 'so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. (Ephesians 5:27)'

As Pastor Mark Driscoll said, masculinity is not looking at femininity and doing everything the opposite. It is not choosing to avoid any signs of weakness, or choosing to rule without mercy.

Thomas Bjerkholt wrote, "It is this we find in perfect balance in Jesus. He is the Lion of Judah. He is the Lamb. He grasps the whip and clears out the temple court. He cries at the grave of Lazarus. He had the courage to reprimand the Pharisees and the scribes. He dared to show weakness when the trial was at its hardest—in Gethsemane. We see that love and strength, tenderness and firmness, mercy and truth are in perfect balance in him. Therefore Jesus is in a special way the true model for all men." (

May we as men be empowered to live as God intends!

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