The encouragement of others in seeking backup plans for internship continued and seemed to cloud my thinking a little. Then in the same week I met with ministry workers involved in each of the two spots that logically made sense for me to pursue and I passed through the week without discussing backup plans with either ministries, which I believe was a test that God desired me to pass with faith.
On November 18, 2010 I wrote:
The week of internship temptations seems to have passed by without me caving in. God really gave me strength, trust, and inner peace with Brazil. Today, while discussing my potential internship in Brazil, I was advised that I can pursue backup plans while still being open and pursuing the main internship that I feel God leading me into. After leaving that meeting, I was uncertain about how to move forward. I went to work right after that (afterschool program) and during reading time one of the kids put an alphabet book in front of me to read, and the very first thing my eyes saw was 'B is for Brazil.'
I believe that God is clearly leading me to Brazil and for me to pursue other options, even as backups, would be adultery of trust and faith. The only peace I have had is with singularly pursuing interning in Brazil, even though I have fears and hesitations with seeing myself there.
God is continuing to teach me to trust in Him and His glorious plans. If I can prove faithful with this, it could allow for God to lead me into even greater things for His kingdom and His glory.
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